A21 improvements are welcome

Dualling work at Pembury is now underway and will be welcomed by many in the Battle area who are forced to use the A21 to get to work.

Not only will it improve journey time and ease congestion but, more importantly, it will improve safety and reduce accidents.

The section at Southborough where three lanes suddenly funnel into single file traffic is hazardous, aside from the long tail-backs that often result at busy times.

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The price to pay for bringing the road into the 21st century is the loss of a small area of ancient woodland but anything that improved safety on a road which is statistically one of the most dangerous in England has to be a good thing.

We are mystified by Rother Council’s refusal to list the Lower School site at Rye as a ‘community asset’ thereby helping the Rye Academy Trust in its bid to get a new school building.

It goes against the wishes of the Town Council and community.

Perhaps we shouldn’t be totally surprised though as this is the same council which caused utter chaos and years of stalemate by granting Tesco planning permission to build on land that was owned by Sainsburys and then totally bottled a chance to resolve the crisis by issuing a compulsory purchase order.