Good and bad news for town's caring groups

IT'S been both good news and bad news for carers' groups in the town.

The good news is the opening of a new community room for much-loved Bexhill Caring Community, which supports elderly and disadvantaged people locally.

This is a great facility which will provide a solid spine to the group's day centres and provide a calm and welcoming environment for carers, volunteers and those needing care themselves.

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The bad news is the planned withdrawal of funding from equally well-loved Crossroads Care respite service, which is a valuable resource for those who have to care for a friend or relative 24 hours a day.

Being a carer can be a tremendous strain both physically and emotionally.

At Crossroads, both the carer and the person needing care have built up trust with their respite care worker, whose continuity of service and support provides immense relief.

To have that threatened by funding cuts to Crossroads and possible reorganisation must be devastating.

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So come on East Sussex County Council, please give serious thought to reversing this idea.

British Summer time? Not yet...

WHAT on earth is going on with the weather?

Anyone would think that with the conversion to British Summer Time last week, we'd be seeing more temperate and Spring-like conditions.

Instead it has been freezing cold, stormy and unsettled.

The pictures of beach huts on Bexhill's seafront blown over by storms just goes to show the unpredictability of the elements - which must be why we talk about the weather so much in this country.

Hopefully (but pretty unlikely) it will cheer up for the Easter break, perhaps allowing us to put a few sausages on the barbecue without needing hats, scarves and gloves.

This summer we're told we're going to get a heatwave - but we've heard that one before!