Eastbourne and Lewes unitary authority plan is a cynical power grab

From: Mr M Pitts Silverdale Road

I write to raise concerns regarding the proposed plan to make Eastbourne and Lewes a unitary authority. It seems this is simply a plan to combine two towns with a history of electing Lib Dems and creating a Lib Dem ‘Caliphate.’ How will this new body behave?

We only have to look to the actions of Lib Dem-led Eastbourne town council, who prioritise buying a pub above providing public services and attempt (unsuccessfully) to sell of large areas of the South Downs.

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Arguments that this will bring extra funding to Eastbourne and Lewes can only be achieved if funding is reduced in other parts of East Sussex. For example, in Hastings where funding is needed to face increased social problems or Hailsham where investment in Infra-structure is desperately needed.

I want to see Eastbourne thrive but don’t want to achieve this at the expense of others. As a democrat and a liberal I find this cynical power grab a grave concern. We seem only a small distance from wearing baseball caps sporting the logo ‘make Eastbourne great again’ or suggesting building a wall between Langney and Westham.