LETTER: New MP must fight for local economy

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Your letters
As a father of two, I am concerned for the future of our town and the stance of the candidates we have. Horsham has a disproportionately large cohort of teens in our population mix and over the course of the next Parliament (assuming it lasts five years) they well be moving through the last years of school and uni and on to jobs.

Horsham has always prided itself on low unemployment, but the data from December 2014 shows that is no longer the case. The recession has taken its toll leaving us with an unemployment level above the national average and a district economy that can only provide 0.78 jobs for every one needed. For job seekers that means a commute - probably to London.

We need to foster local jobs by companies large and small, and the greatest boost to that would be pushing for economic boosts like the second runway at Gatwick. It would make the local economy more viable for local small businesses and create local area jobs

The candidates need to bear this in mind, because if our local MP isn’t willing to fight for our local economy, we need a new MP.

Nicholas Lowson

Elgar Way, Horsham

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